The AI Shift: Evaluating The Real Competitive Landscape

Understanding the competitive landscape in the AI era is critical for insurance executives. It’s important to see beyond traditional competitors. It’s about strategically understanding how AI will disrupt the industry and identifying how digital leaders and new entrants will leverage the technology.  More importantly, it’s about understanding how to give your company a strategic edge by equipping your teams with the insight and skills to navigate the coming competitive terrain. Here’s how to get started.

Key Questions – Execs Should Ask Themselves and Their Teams

  • Beyond Today: What capabilities does emerging AI technology offer, and how might they redefine customer expectations in insurance? Arm your teams with the knowledge to envision AI’s potential impact on customer interactions.
  • Non-Traditional Competitors: Who are the potential disruptors from adjacent industries harnessing AI, and how could they reshape the competitive landscape? Help your teams broaden their competitive analysis beyond traditional players.
  • New Value Propositions: How can your company leverage AI to offer unique value propositions that meet evolving customer needs? Provide your teams with insights into innovative ways AI can create customer value.
  • Data-Driven Insights: What data-driven insights can help you anticipate market shifts and position your company ahead of the curve? Empower your teams with the capability to harness data for strategic decision-making.

Key Challenges – What is Likely To Stand In Our Way

  • Limited Vision: One challenge is a narrow focus on current competitors, which can blind companies to potential future threats and opportunities. Equip your teams to expand their vision beyond the status quo.
  • Technological Lag: Falling behind in adopting AI technology can put companies at a severe disadvantage in terms of innovation and customer experience. Guide your teams to stay technologically competitive.
  • Resistance to Change: Overcoming organizational resistance to embracing new technologies and strategies can be a significant hurdle. Offer strategies and insights to help your teams navigate this challenge.

Key Actions

  • Strategic Scanning: Encourage your teams to establish a dedicated process for scanning the technological landscape, identifying trends, and assessing their potential impact on your industry.
  • Technology Partnerships: Explore opportunities for partnerships with technology companies or startups to gain access to cutting-edge AI capabilities and expertise.
  • Customer-Centric Innovation: Prioritize customer-centric innovation by leveraging AI to provide personalized and intuitive services. Empower your teams to drive innovation that aligns with customer expectations.
  • Data-Driven Decision-Making: Develop a data-driven decision-making culture within your organization to harness insights for strategic advantage. Provide your teams with the tools and knowledge to make informed, data-backed choices.

Embracing AI is not just an option; it’s an imperative for survival and success. To gain a competitive edge, insurers must leverage AI-native solutions, recognize the broader market forces shaped by AI, collaborate with AI Natives, fortify their data foundation, and build adaptable infrastructure. Moreover, embracing AI-to-AI interactions and staying abreast of future AI innovations are key. The time for action is now. Failure to act decisively risks falling behind in an industry rapidly shaped by AI’s disruptive potential.

Session Notes are excerpted from our Now to Next: Leadership Program for the AI Era of Insurance.

To learn more about how SVIA’s Now To Next Program can help your key executive decision-makers & teams, please click here to visit our Program landing page or contact us at

Mike Connor, CEO, SVIAThe AI Shift: Evaluating The Real Competitive Landscape